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Schutzschalter ABB AL 16 AL 16-30-10 Schütz 220V 1SBL 183001R8810

"Schutzschalter ABB AL 16 AL 16-30-10 Schütz 220V 1SBL 183001R8810"

InseratNr. # P0099019
Maschinentyp: Schutzschalter
Hersteller: ABB
Zustand: gebraucht
Betriebsstunden: h
Referenznummer: p99643
  • ID: P0099019
  • 1602
  • 2019-09-04



  • Preis
  • 19.00
  • inkl. 19% MwSt. , zzgl. Versand
  • Komplett Konzept Verwertungs GmbH
  • Komplett
  • Herr Benjamin Haake
  • 02862587950
  • Inserate online

  • Komplett Konzept Verwertungs GmbH

  • Herr Benjamin Haake
  • , Deutschland

  • Anfrage senden

ABB AL 16 AL 16-30-10
Schütz 220V 1SBL 183001R8810
General InformationExtended Product Type: AL16-30-10 220V DCProduct ID: 1SBL183001R8810EAN: 3471522276889
AL16 contactors are mainly used for controlling 3-phase motors and generally for controlling power circuits up to 690 V AC or 220 V DC.The contactors can also be used for many other applications such as isolation, capacitor switching, lighting.The AL... series 1-stack 3-pole contactors are of the block type design. - Main poles and auxiliary contact blocks: 3 main poles,1 built-in auxiliary contact, front and side-mounted add-on auxiliary contact blocks - Control circuit: DC operated with solid core magnet circuit.The polarity on the coil terminals (A1+ and A2-) must be respected - Accessories: a wide range of accessories is available.AL... contactors are fitted with low consumption DC coils and are suitable for a direct control by PLC outputs.
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